The First Mobile and Fast Charging Station in Turkey

The First Mobile and Fast Charging Station in Turkey

EVbee is an energy-engineering company established to revolutionize the EV charging sector with its unique technology.

It was founded in 2022 in Eskisehir, Turkey to offer innovation and to build efficient and secure charging systems after its funding round.

EVbee gives priority to making electric vehicles’ charging process more accessible, comfortable, secure, and faster in Turkey. It offers innovative solutions to the range and charging issues of EV owners by providing mobile and fast (DC) charging.

EVbee is the first in the sector to make charging mobile and fast with its solution-oriented services. Its off-grid, and DC charging systems and on-demand service make it user-friendly as it enables receiving charging anywhere and anytime the user wants. Besides, EVbee mobile charging system is now ready to get into the market after forming many collaborations and partnerships.

Our mission and vision focus on putting an end to charging problems related to time and place with our user-friendly approach while contributing to the sustainable development goals for a cleaner world.